MPARTICLE ~fg>fg> >fg>~g? o0M2}3 IrIQi y$q=Ol hu(9u/ Qh@+Q \@l8n INFO Title : Generation 9 Publisher : Platin!Authors : Damion, Fred, WOTW, Necrotism, Obelix. Country : Germany Source : See text. Conditions : Public Domain. Category : Magazine Released : 7th June, 1993. Opinion : 67% REQUIREMENTS Drives : 1 Memory : meg. COMPATIBILITY A500 wb 1.3.2 : YES A600 wb 2.05 : YES$Multi-tasks : NO - Autoboots only. Display : PAL& This is more a service to scene&members than a disk magazine. It&consists of advertisements, scene&news, messages and very little else.&Of the three the news section is&perhaps the worst. It's mostly a long&list of who's moved to whom with not&much else included. Hardly riveting reading.& The adverts, text-only and heaps of&them, are interesting for the number&of Legal-Only signs in them. At least&a third claim this with none of the&others asking for illegal stuff.&Whether this is due to German law,&editorial policy or a sudden change in&swapping etiquette I have no idea but&it can't be bad, both for the scene&and for commercial software producers.&Going by these adverts, Legal-Elite&seems to be the status to aim for. Is&it becoming lame to pirate? If so,&then wonders never cease. The adverts&by the way even have an index, just like in paper magazines.& The messages are an odd phenomenon.&They consist of greetings from someone&to a list of others with each&recipient getting a few lines of text&each. It seems a strange and rather&haphazard way of corresponding with&others. Why not just write? Perhaps&someone could explain it. Are they the&scene equivalent of the personal&columns? Desperately seeking Lost Swappers? No?& If you're looking for legal&European swappers' then this looks&like a good source. No info is given&on how to obtain the magazine but a&few disks sent to the editor&(Damion/Platin, Jens-Oliver Klokkers,&Marrinksweg 5, 4460 Nordhorn, Germany)&asking for the latest copy may get you&it. Don't blame me though if you don't&get a response - you try the above at your own risk.& Generation could be tarted up a bit&even if it stays only a message, news&and adverts mag. It has a variation on&the normal scene magazine interface&which works well enough but as only&37% of the disk was used for this&issue some pictures or clip-art&wouldn't go amiss. More than one piece of music would also be welcome.& Not an interesting magazine in it's&own right but I'm sure advert&magazines such as Generation play a&useful part in keeping the scene in&touch with itself, spread as it is over many different countries. ---- Postscript...& Since writing this article I've&been reliably informed that it hasn't&become lame to pirate in Europe. Next month perhaps. Magazine Review: Page 1 of 3 Index Contents Magazine Review: Page 2 of 3 Index Contents Magazine Review: Page 3 of 3 Index Contents